اعلان للصحفیین والمصورین الفوتوغرافیین في محافظتي نینوى وكركوك عن فتح باب المشاركة في مسابقة افضل صورة صحفیة بعنوان ( الصورة رسالة سلام ) و مسابقة افضل مقالات في بناء السلام .
شروط المشاركة :-
* الصورة الصحفیة
1. ان یتناول مضمون الصورة جانب او قصة تخص السلام او التسامح او المصالحة او التعددیة والتنوع.
2. ان یكون العمل قد انجز في احدى المحافظتین كركوك او نینوى.
3. لم یسبق ان تم المشاركة بها في ایة مسابقة.
4. ان تكون الصورة قد التقطت منذ عام 2011 والى الان.
5. ان یتم ارسال الصور بحجم ودقة عالیة وبنظام( jpge )
6. للمشارك حق المشاركة بصورتین كحد اعلى و بالنسبة للقصة الصوریة خمسة صور كحد اعلى.
* المقال الصحفي
1. ان تتعلق مادة المقال ببناء السلام او المصالحة او التسامح والتعددیة والتنوع.
2. یحق المشاركة في المسابقة بمقالین.
3. یجب ان تكون المقالة لم یسبق لها المشاركة في اي مسابقة ولم تنشر سابقا.
4. ان لایتعدى حجم المقال 750 كلمة وان لاتقل عن 350 كلمة.
سیتم تكریم الفائزین في مراسیم رسمیة وسیقام معرض لافضل الصور المشاركة و جمع افضل المقالات في كتاب .
ترسل المشاركات الى الایمیل التالي مع السیرة الذاتیة للمشارك باختصار تتضمن رقم هاتفه و بریده الالكتروني ورؤیته عن الصورة بشكل مختصر:
المسابقة هي بدعم من مشروع مد الجسور الثقافیة للمصالحة في العراق.
Announcement to reporters and photographers in the provinces of Nineveh and Kirkuk, opening the door for participation in the Competition for the best Press Photo titled ('s message of peace) and the Competition for the best articles in the peace-building.
Conditions for participation: -
* Press Photo1. To address the content of the image or story related to peace or reconciliation or tolerance or pluralism and diversity.2. That the work has been performed in one or two provinces of Kirkuk, Nineveh.3. Has not previously been involved in any contest.4. The image may be picked up since 2011 and so far.5. The images are sent to the size and high precision and system (jpge)6. The participant the right to participate and two passport at a top story for the image up to a maximum of five images.
* Newspaper article1. The material related to the article or peace-building or reconciliation, tolerance and pluralism and diversity.2. Entitled to participate in the competition Bmqalیn.3. Must be preceded by the article did not have to participate in any contest have not been published previously.4. The size of the article is currently only 750 words, and not less than 350 words.
Winners will be honored at an official ceremony will be held an exhibition of the best photos and post best collection of articles in the book.Posts are sent to the following e-mail with CV of the participant briefly include his phone number and e-mail and view it from the picture in brief:
Photo.artical @ gmail.com
Competition is the support of the project to build cultural bridges of reconciliation in Iraq
Conditions for participation: -
* Press Photo1. To address the content of the image or story related to peace or reconciliation or tolerance or pluralism and diversity.2. That the work has been performed in one or two provinces of Kirkuk, Nineveh.3. Has not previously been involved in any contest.4. The image may be picked up since 2011 and so far.5. The images are sent to the size and high precision and system (jpge)6. The participant the right to participate and two passport at a top story for the image up to a maximum of five images.
* Newspaper article1. The material related to the article or peace-building or reconciliation, tolerance and pluralism and diversity.2. Entitled to participate in the competition Bmqalیn.3. Must be preceded by the article did not have to participate in any contest have not been published previously.4. The size of the article is currently only 750 words, and not less than 350 words.
Winners will be honored at an official ceremony will be held an exhibition of the best photos and post best collection of articles in the book.Posts are sent to the following e-mail with CV of the participant briefly include his phone number and e-mail and view it from the picture in brief:
Photo.artical @ gmail.com
Competition is the support of the project to build cultural bridges of reconciliation in Iraq